Don’t date a non Christian. If they don’t regularly attend & serve in church consider how the individual will draw you closer to Christ. If you’re not already regularly attending or serving, consider if you’re ready to date. Remember: if you start dating a non Christian you could fall in love and marry a non Christian. Marriage is a long time to not be able to talk about your best friend, to your best friend 🙏
Dating advice for new Christians 🤓
From the Christian nerds among us who have been on this journey a while, what advice would you give to our brothers and sisters who are just starting out in this strange 'Christian dating' world?
Before going too far, make sure you’re both super clear on your interpretation of biblical gender roles. Saves so much hassle
One thing I have learned. Is that just because you and the person you like have a lot of the same interests doesn't mean you're meant to be together. Also a relationship is not about us it's about Christ and reflecting him. I know people who literally are in a relationship right now simply because they have a lot of common interest and because they think the person is cute. If you're not putting Christ first and everything then don't pursue.
@Shanell Sorry, this is off topic, but I love your profile and you have a beautiful voice! Blessings, sister!
If God is not at the center of your relationship it will not work in the long run.
@Cameron that’s a good advice not only for new Christians 🤭
@Jess true that!
Tudo em inglês😪 Paz de Jesus Cristo para todos 🙌🏽
@Berenice a paz.
Just remember, the purpose of all things in life, including dating, is to do them to the glory of God. If you’re doing that, then you are successful, whether you find a mate or not.
1) make being godly a priority 2) look for someone whos pursuing the same goal 3)looks matter but spiritual beauty is more important 4) read books about marriage preparation 5) being single is okay
6) dont apply double standards. This a big one for most people 7) dont assume because someone has been in the church a long time they are actually practicing the faith.
It is easy to be attracted to and want to convert pre-believers but once, you get over 'the buzz', you will realise that fundamental differences as you walk the path of the Lord and they don't.
It is very important to put Jesus at the centre of your life and especially so when dating. Be genuine and respectful and seek out a genuine Christian who not only talks but lives out their faith. …
@Evelyn well said Evelyn
Bendiciones para ti
To be honest, I'm not a big fan of dating advice in general lately, even among Christians it can be contradictory to the point where it could lead someone to cultivate an unhealthy mindset. I would keep it to something like don't worry too much and just be yourself. Trust God, but also do your part. Anything else might be too complicated and lead to confusion. (Take my advice with a grain of salt since I haven't been successful in dating 😆)
Someone already said look for the fruits of the spirit to see if the person is growing in holiness which is my main advice, but I will also give a little more: 1. Don't date an unbeliever. God in His word forbids being unequally yoked. So even if you find yourself wanting to or thinking "maybe I could change them," don't. 2. Be a member of a solid church, and make sure the person you want to date is a member of a solid church.
Apparently, the definition of insanity is…doing the exact same thing and expecting things to change. Before you give any advice to anyone please apply it to yourself first and ask yourself the question: “How is that going for me?” Hopefully, you’ll see where the imbalance is with your advice and where you need to focus. God bless!
@Jude sometimes giving advice is about guiding or gently warning people to avoid the mistakes, errors or failures one has experienced. IMHO
Galatians 5:22-23 TPT [22-23] But the fruit produced by the Holy Spirit within you is divine love in all its varied expressions: joy that overflows, peace that subdues, patience that endures, kindness in action, a life full of virtue, faith that prevails, gentleness of heart, and strength of spirit. Never set the law above these qualities, for they are meant to be limitless. These scriptures are back up to why I said the Holy Spirit first
lGalatians 5:20-21 TPT [20] chasing after things instead of God, manipulating others, hatred of those who get in your way, senseless arguments, resentment when others are favored, temper tantrums, angry quarrels, only thinking of yourself, being in love with your own opinions, [21] being envious of the blessings of others, murder, uncontrolled addictions, wild parties, and all other similar behavior. Haven’t I already warned you that those who use their “freedom”
Galatians 5:17 GNT [17] For what our human nature wants is opposed to what the Spirit wants, and what the Spirit wants is opposed to what our human nature wants. These two are enemies, and this means that you cannot do what you want to do.
I would say have a deep relationship with the Holy Spirit He's a person He has feelings you know He made you He knows you better than yourself so before making any decisions because you matched with someone doesn't necessarily mean he or she is right partner for you so before anything consult the Holy Spirit first even if you find a match speak in tongues the things of God does not come with confusion or ❓ I ignored the voice of the Holy Spirit once & I regretted it for the longest abide to His
1. Stay away from porn, and other addictive substances. Why ruin your marriage before it begins? 2. Make a commitment to sexual purity. Find a more mature, same-gender, Christian friend who can help you set specific boundaries and hold you accountable . Purity includes your thought life– see #1. 3. Only date other Christians – the Bible is clear that we can only marry other Christians, so don’t play around with people. 4. Enjoy life to the fullest and pursue God with abandon - right now!
@Michelle I think these are good points!
Ladies. Don't get excited or start "futurising" or over invest when you receive a like or a message or two. Communicate, pray, smile, and watch. Deeds speak louder than words. No matter how busy life gets if someone is really interested in you whether as a new friend or potential life partner they will make an effort to get to know you. If they do not take things further after a reasonable time...bye! Get to know more than one person at a time. No more 5 year situationships. 😀
@Tonya hahaha I agree thank you 😊
@Tonya thank you Tonya! This is good.
Obviously to trust in God while waiting, but not the kind of “waiting” that sits under a coconut tree waiting for it to pop them on the head. Be pragmatic; get off the phone and work.. preferably a job where you can meet new people, like Uber. Have conversations and do not let society or the government influence your social life. Also, work on becoming a better, more Christlike spouse.. focus on Christ, and use accountability partners to help with that. God bless!
Date God First 🥇... Spend time investing in relationship with the One who invented it and knows you best... Also He's the best wingman / person of all time 😂
This needs to be the top answer. I do wonder if it’s even a good idea for new believers to be looking, because they’re potentially quite vulnerable.
Fruits of the spirit (not gifts of the spirit) are evidence of the Holy Spirit growing in them. Look for evidence of the Holy Spirit’s sanctifying work, over anything flashy or outwardly impressive.
@Valerie this was incredibly helpful. Talking to someone who is more or less a newer believer; we are on the same page but I want to be mindful of the process he may be in. That's gotten me in trouble in the past of just expecting too much.
@Kristina Out of curiosity, what do you mean by expecting too much?
@Valerie more so expecting people to be in a similar level spiritually as me because they simply say that they are, when I should be assessing individually and seeing where I fit instead of trying to fit them into my life
This is not a good question to ask people on a dating app haha considering the fact everyone is or has been searching for someone for awhile or people are divorced. No one truly knows the right answer to dating if we did we wouldn't be in this situation where everyone was picky, or too shy or this that or the other. Honestly in all sincerity just LET GOD! Stop trying to make all the decisions in your life and let God lead you.
@Chris indeed, though conversely, there are those who seem to have found wedded bliss with ease, didn’t have to wait for many years (the waiting is comparatively easy if married in early 20’s) and don’t know the same struggles. So we have to weigh all the advice we are given and not assume they got it all “correct”.
@Rob that's not true at all. I got married in my 20s and never thought i'd be divorced especially since we both said we'd work through our issues that would come with God leading us. We'll guess what. A divorce still happened. So people don't have the answers nor do Christians at times I'm witnessing that now in my own personal life. Let God do his will not ours.
@Chris So sorry Chris, I certainly wasn’t referring to everyone, but there’s enough of a contingent that leads to the teaching/misconception that “if you do xyz and honour God, you’ll meet your spouse and it’ll all be lovely”. You’re absolutely right that no one has all the answers.
@Rob @Chris Yes, God needs to lead… but who we bring into our lives is our responsibility. We SHOULD take the necessary measures to CHOOSE the best we can. Careful and responsible management - i.e. STEWARDSHIP is on us. God doesn’t force us to marry anyone.
@Chris How did the divorce happen if you don’t mind me asking? Maybe we can learn from it.
@Chris Hi there Chris, the pain of unwanted divorce from a Christian perspective is difficult to deal with. Stay strong brother in the promises of God’s knowledge that only He can redeem the hurts. God bless you, Evelyn
@Evelyn thank you. I appreciate it. It's not easy for anyone because God makes marriage to be one and when that separates you're literally losing a piece of yourself.
A lot to say. Short version don't place your wife before Jesus. It's good to always love her unconditionally but when you start to stop having the relationship with Christ more than your wife problems start to ensue. He's the waymaker and problem solver. He can do anything I can't. Let God stop trying to take control of everything.
Pursue God first and foremost - look to Him to “make you complete” rather than another person. You’ll probably hear verses such as Psalm 37:4 used in the context of relationships - these are not formulas and should not be treated as such. Churches often put marriage+family on a pedestal - you may feel ignored/invisible, but are not any less of a person for being single. People are people. If you get rejected or a relationship fails, it doesn’t mean God has forsaken you. Keep your eyes on Him.
@Rob Great advice! Well done!
Moderate your expectations. There is no formula for this gig, no recipe for success. Remember that each of us is created in the image and likeness of God and, as such, is to be afforded respect and dignity. Be honest, don't ghost, and before you do or say anything, imagine that Jesus is standing over your shoulder, witnessing everything you are about to do, because guess what? He is...
@Chris hello Chris, it seems you have gone through such a difficult time brother. Stay strong in the Lord for He can redeem any situation in life for His Glory. God bless you. Evelyn
STAGE 1 1.1. Message ➡️ To Make Contact 1.2. Meet (Strangers) ➡️ To Assess STAGE 2 2.1. Friends ➡️ To Discover + To Know 2.2. > Friends ➡️ To Romance 2.3. Date (= BF & GF) ➡️ To Commit 2.4. Marry (H+W) ➡️ To Love + All of the ⬆️
#BeIntentional #BeResponsible #PlanYourJourney #SubmitYourPlanToGod #PrayEachStepOfTheWay #PrioritiseFriendshipInTheProcess #Friendateship #LoveWhoYouKnow #Don’tDateToKnow #DateToMarry #Marriage
@Angela - called this “The Chart” 😇
#NoGuaranteedSuccess #DoYourBest #Discernment #Stewardship
Step 1: Pray Step 2: Take action that stays within God's way and never forget God is Nr. 1 (this is someone He will never share) Step 3: Don't get hung up if it doesn't work out yet, you both are not a good fit for the challenges together and Gott has protected you for you to have someone more fitting to manage the challenges to come as we.
@Anukun the Skywalker thank you! This was helpful.🙏