The “M” word. Great that you’re looking to settle down but I want to be known, not an item to cross off on your life agenda 😂

Don't say #*@! on a Christian date
Fill in the blanks! You shouldn't say .... on a Christian first date. We welcome funny answers or real stories...
Sexual escapades
If they talk about their ex or how broken they are or desperate for a relationship or are mean
Took her and her best friend to a movie. The friend: "you two should just F*#k and get it over with" Me:"uhh I don't do that" This was also my experience on, not being the rebound guy.
Deleted content
@Jez lol. That's so funny. I thought in today's world girls will offer to pay their share at least 😂🙍
Talk about your ex and cry about it..true story.
‘God told me you’re my wife/husband’ 😅😂😂 maybe save that for a cute proposal speech a year or so down the track
@Caiti I felt the cringe when I read that.
I am sure there will be some who disagree with me - don't talk about whether to meet again. Be kind and appreciative, but I think it is a good idea to take a couple of days to think about it, pray etc before deciding if you want to meet again. If one person is keen and it comes up in conversation on the first date, it may cause the other person to feel obligated. Just enjoy your first meeting for what it is, without introducing that awkward moment talking about a possible second date
@Rachel oh, never considered this method of slowing the process down. I have always been concerned I’d be giving “rejection/ disapproval” vibes if I didn’t set up another date on the day. I feel a sense of wisdom entering my mind in this moment. 🧐
Dont say cuss words
@Juan yes, please!
@Juan awww, but they’re so fun… 😂😂 but that’s probably really good advice 😄
Do you like me? Or the other side of the coin... Do you love me? 🤔
'I already have a boyfriend'. True story
@Dave oomph. Awkwarddddd.
Don’t move in with someone you met on Salt without ever meeting the person prior to moving out, during a time of desperation in a lockdown. Then get engaged within the month because you committed adult activities and you were sick of relapsing and decided that you may as well marry a stranger since you committed adult activities with one. Stay together for a year living in denial of incompatibility. Fall in love and then realise you both need to part ways. 😳
@Oasis this sounded like the "put a finger down" trend on TikTok 😂😂
@Mariana there was a tiktok trend? I need to go tiktok culture myself up now.
@Oasis ohh yeahhh that trend. Several fingers down perhaps 😂😂😬
@Oasis 😂😂😂 Yeah, the trend where someone says "Put a finger down..." And goes on to describe a highly specific situation. Hope God will send you someone amazing, and what happened in the past will be history ☺️
@Mariana thank you. ☺️ I’m currently grieving so it will be a while but I’m thankful for the community here :) thanks for your comments which keep me engaged as well ☺️
Don't move in with a bf/gf/fiancé 👌
@Lachlan please excuse my sarcasm “you don’t say”. I needed a home. Nothing else was popping up. My faith in Jesus was at an all time low. Please give grace.
@Oasis oh that wasn't a swipe at you, sorry! Wish I could convey the melody my voice made when saying that, it sounds way less passive aggressive 😅
A prime example of the downside to text only conversation. I’m sorry for assuming you were taking a swipe instead of looking from a more optimistic outlook. 🌺 Thanks for clarifying @Lachlan 😄
@Oasis woah that was a wild ride, just reading it! 😂 Glad it's over for ya!
@Justin if you ever bored and want some wild stories. I’m ya gurl 💃 😅
„50/50“ 🙄
@Rebeca 💀
@Matt Here’s the bill, deconstruct that 😅
@Jez 🤣🤣🤣💀
@Ms M strangers earn respect 🫡
@Jez aye aye captain 😉