Oooofff that's tough.

Or that one person giving me the slight creeps cuz they keep standing way too close in my energetic bubble when they talk to me. And it gets worse when you take a big step back and they scoot closer and start trying to touch you. 😬😑🙄🥴
Or or... that wierd love bombing person that gets real clingy out of nowhere, and starts talking your ear off and wants to direct everything you do as soon as you walk in the door. 🙄 GOOD LORD! 😵💫 😩Spare me!!!
This is true for me when I witness the mask wearing pretentious and plastic smiling Christian's, How can I love someone if they aren't even being real so I can love who they really are? It's easier to love the homeless person on the street corner who's letting it all hang out because they aren't fronting. 🤷♀️ Real ones only please ☺️ Thank yooou!
On the subject of loving one another, that's clear cut. On the subject of feeling judged: - If you are sitting in a church and feeling conviction, that's a good thing! The Holy Spirit is supposed to convict men of their sin (John 16:8) - The church itself is called to judge its members, not outsiders. (1 Cor 5:12-13) Just as God convicts the sinner out of love for their soul, so too should a church rebuke its members if they are unrepentant. But in love, and using the process in Matt 18:15-17
Love one another but drown everyone except Noah and exterminate the Canaanites? Not even God likes everyone!
@Tony yeah what was Jesus thinking telling us to love everyone? Doesn't he read scripture? /s
@Tony technically you're right, but that's such an odd way of framing it lol God's judgement is always justified. God is slow to anger. It's not unreasonable then, to assume that God gave society/the Canaanites time before letting them suffer the consequences of their actions. Just as Jesus hasn't yet returned because God is allowing humanity as much time to repent (2 Pet 3:4-9)
@Tony Genesis 6 is the reason why.
@Tony also, they sacrificed children to their gods. So it’s hard to be sympathetic to them.
Guys, all I'm saying is there's two different states of being. Yes, try and be a good person but God also killed the first born of Egypt when they were oppressing the Israelites. Joshua & David were warrior kings, Constantine fought under the first Christian labarum serving an arguably militant God who instructed his people to fight for their freedom & rights, and that extends to everyone in their daily life to-date.
@Tony 😂😅🤦♀️ oh dear Lord
😂why’s this so true
It’s like he said, whoever here has never committed sin may throw the first stone. We don’t know what people go through. Who are we to judge? We are supposed to stand out in this crowd as the children of god and care in a world of hate. I’m tired of Christians not understanding this concept, sometimes people leave their church because the world treats them with less judgment and we gotta think about why that is, there’s something not right here.
@Star amen, I've left many churches for that exact reason
Christians have the issue of being represented as very judgemental people in the world. I think that THIS is the key to why, a lot of Christians don’t understand that in the end we are all human, even if we don’t agree with worldly people or other religions we need to stay kind and loving because love is what saves. Love is god. Instead of pointing fingers let’s just put it aside and leave love with people. It’s the right thing to do. Jesus takes us at our worst so why should we not do the same.
@Star I think we've earned that reputation by putting our dogma before people's needs and not properly representing Christ. We need to repent and turn toward love ❤️