I think the difficulties are due to secular culture being brought into the church and traditional values/social etiquette etc being eroded. A significant proportion of people do not date intentionally, are not mature enough for a relationship and are influenced by a Hollywood picture of love and romance. We need to be intentional, and have boundaries (both physical and emotional). I do think there’s a degree of laziness on both sides- an unwilling to make an effort.

Pitfalls of Christian dating 🙄
What are biggest obstacles or pitfalls in Christian dating? How do we overcome them?
I don’t think it’s Christian dating that is the issue. Rather just dating in general. A fellow flawed human being, seeking out another flawed human being, is always going to have downsides. What’s the remedy? The upside of relying on Jesus to help through the downsides. People who are dishonest and not sincere about their faith, definitely do add further obstacles but fortunately the Truth of the Bible makes light work of those obstacles.
One of the things I have seen alot, it's kinda weird actually. I've seen dudes like this, but it's Typically from the ladies side. A lot of people seem to act super holy or super spiritual, to the point of being un- approachable and not genuine.
My feelings are how long should you meet up for someone before you get that desire to want to be with them? When should you let them know you are not developing any feelings more than friendship? Should you ignore not being physically attracted to someone and see if things develop more? In the same way, you would not want to have your spouse ignore not finding you attractive. I wonder about these things. I'd want my future wife to be physically/spiritually/mentallyattracted to me as I am to her.
@Harry honesty the best policy .prayerfulness always helps as Jesus has our best interest
@Sarah I wonder how long one should try and see and if attraction doesn't grow be honest or should one be physically attracted from the start?
@Harry just my thought at this moment…for I apply to myself the question.. with “ one “ then it all about the individual’s beliefs , identity and journey . So where are you at ? Sorry to answer a question with another question! Others here has good pointers to relationship. And even Salt on YouTube is talking about boundaries “stop fantasying .. how to guard your heart in dating “
@Harry … when I apply the question to myself .. I come back to Jesus , his love for all of us . What do I learn from Jesus ? What do I learn from the Bible?
@Sarah need to find that link for that talk
@Harry Hmm I they don’t allow links on the social . when you enter the app and press the second icon from the left with that shows the people . That page has salt YouTube displayed it on it . That how saw it . Or search on YouTube for Salt
@Harry I read your longest introduction ever John 13-17 ..praise God for His word .
@Sarah thanks 🙂
There’s many pitfalls, but the main ones are along the lines of: 1) A general lack of basic standards such as kindness, honesty, integrity and trying to live in a way that honours God and people 2) Unrealistic expectations - expecting another person to meet a long shopping list of requirements and in many cases fill the void/solve issues that only God can. 3) Most churches are so focused on marriage and families that teaching/support/mentoring for singles isn’t there, or is imposing/unhelpful.
I was married my whole adult life, and after being in the dating world for a year, I’ve stopped. It’s so important to get to know someone and that takes time. Friends and fellowship is what I’m looking for now to really get to know someone. Online is very hard. People pretend so much.
The Salt app has a face to face real time which I think is helpful to have conversations. And I would use it first . We bring more of our real selves and our personalities into it . Now I would bring prayers into it as we want to meet Christians and not charlatans . I wonder if online can be compared to a net full of fish to suss out where as on a line .. it just one at a time .
I agree with @Christian Daniel I also think that the online space has taken out the human aspect and it can cause people to be flippant in the treatment of others. How to overcome these pitfalls? Prayerfully consider each individual and ask for HS led conversation. It’ll either start to evolve nicely or be shut down. Oh, and ask wise questions!
@Rhiannon That is a great reminder. I practice asking for God’s help . And I’m grateful for each individual’s conversation . We learn about ourselves and others a lot more and it is interesting.
@Sarah very true, no experience is wasted 💛
I have experienced men wanting to rush things. I don’t want to hop on a diff platform after two minutes into a conversation. It takes time to build trust and report.
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@Ben L. @Ben L. I’m also autistic but don’t relate - can you explain what you mean by ‘Christian norms’? In John 14:5, Jesus teaches that if we love Him, we will keep His commandments. If your hobbies oppose and dishonor Christ, who graciously redeems us, then they are sinful. There’s nothing to be further discussed or understood in that regard. God’s command for us to be holy as He is holy (1 Peter 1:16) is not caveated with “unless you’re autistic.”
@Ben L. I understand autism presents differently which is why I asked for clarification. Can you give me an example of what Christian norm your facing that is a challenge?
@Ben L. Hi Ben , Interested to know examples of your hobbies? And I’m sure I have unhealthy hobbies as well such as binge watching on Netflix.. which some times I do !I just want to get to the end !😖
@Ben L. Yeah my binge watching was bad for my health and spiritual life . it was like an addiction for me . I don’t want to do it again.
I haven't seen it in here. However,on other dating apps, listing myself as a Christian seems to invite plenty of scammers. ( on top of being a widow ). That's what I meant by " easy pickings ". Not that I've been scammed, but in those sights plenty of folk say they are Christian and " looking for a 'God fearing' lady like me". After interacting with them for a short time, it becomes clear that they are not Christian and that they see me as gullible.
@Joan 💯💯
@Joan yes! I’ve found Christian dating to bring a lot more wolves in sheep’s clothing than genuine sheep. Now I’ve learned to ask deep probing questions straightaway.
Honestly, I think one can get so caught up on the idea of a future husband or wife and the goal of having a family , that you don’t end up taking the time and enjoying the process of getting to know someone deeply. Also viewing any breakup or relationship that doesn’t end in marriage as a failure rather than being greatful for the time together
@Paddy what a great reminder. I’ve replied to Rhiannon before I came you and I realise there are so many thoughtful people on Salt . It is an encouragement to each other to our brothers and sisters in Christ . God bless all on our great journey .
I've noticed many of us meet a potential partner, and while they certainly "identify" as a Christian they seem completely immersed in the World's values/mindsets. This can vary a lot depending on many things but I've definitely heard it from many people, as a dealbreaker in a potential spouse.
@Christian Daniel Definitely a dealbreaker unless after honest considerations the other person has conviction or repentance or willing to change . Even if that person disagree I think an encouragement of faith has been left with them is good . We learn to encourage each other in our walk .
@Christian Daniel this!! It’s similar to people saying their relationship with God is ‘personal’. What they seem to often mean is I can do what I want as long as I can argue the point. Yes our relationship with God is personal; but God is a consistent mind and being
I have an expectation when it comes to boundaries. I've chatted to so many 'Christian' men who repeatedly overstep the most basic boundaries. It's such a disappointment.
@Mandi It is disappointing . It is also good witnessing to them as a Christian. If we all are grounded in our faith then they get bored or get convicted? God bless you for sharing. It is an encouragement to hear .
Denominations: when you're both interested in each other but are committed to different churches or have different convictions. In some instances it can work, but I've found it very hard to find people who share my beliefs even though they're Christian. I've learnt to ask specific questions early on to save time/heartache.
@Sophie this! Although I take it a step further and just skip profiles with denomination tags that I know won't theologically match. Usually means skipping 50% of folk on here though 😅
@Sophie I agree on premise. It's tough tho my dad was Lutheran, my mom non practicing Catholic. And it worked out amazingly where we all went non-denominational. Be careful, but denominations aren't an end all be all. I was in a messianic/Assemblies of God church in my last one until they went bonkers.
One thing in my area, is that while some women identify as “Christian”, they practice other spiritual beliefs that aren’t compatible with even a basic Christian gospel-faith.
@Servando A lot of New Age thought in churches today!
@Elsie oh my gosh this... Sooo frustrating
Trauma caused by previous relationships, particularly if someone was married previously. I suffered through this issue with my ex who was married for 7 years, it was evident there were unresolved feelings. I recently found out after 4 years since we broke up, she has no remarried her ex husband, which has left me with a whole array of emotions. The overriding truth I am clinging to is that God does not want divorce, and a marriage has been repaired... so my feelings will slowly fade.
@Antony she was on the rebound, not your fault
@Antony I had a rebound... Interest I guess. She bailed pretty quickly... I learned not to be the rebound guy. It's a hard lesson. I feel for ya.
Great questions. I would say that we are more of a mark for scammers as they see us as easy, gullible marks. Also, if we have lived for any length of time within Biblical Christianity, we are more likely to have resources they want because we have lived within our means. People who are Christian in name only see us as easy pickings.
@Joan i dont believe that people see anyone as easy pickings. As a Christian, there is a lot to live by + abide in truth, conduct yourselves worthy of the manner of your calling and so forth. No-one I would hope has come into Salt finding Life partners or Real close Friends as easy as 1,2 3.... It takes Years to know someone really well+ thats commiting to time. Whats real is Living like Jesus Did.
I was giving a ‘like’ and a post went in 😅