His sister. Incest was banned later in the bible.

Who was Cain’s wife?
Answers on a postcard (or better still in the comments 🤣)
Remember to treat everyone with respect 🙂
Awan was the second daughter of Adam and Eve. That means she was also her sister
Cain's wife was Awan
Not sure exactly of her name, wht i do kno is she was an amazing woman hand made and picked by God. Psalms 139:13 you knit me together I’m my mother’s womb. Romans 11:29 for the gifts and calling of God are with out repentance. Matthew 7:9-11 how much more will your father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him. She would have been a proverbs 31:10-31 a good woman is hard to fine and worth far more than then diamonds. Proverbs 12:4 she would have been the crown of her husband.
The Bible is not a science book nor a history book. There were other humans on the earth, not of Adam and Eve. Why and how is not important, if God wanted us to know he would have given us an explanation. The important part is Cain's murder and how sin infected mankind.
She was the world's first mob wife.
I propose that the story of Genesis is not exhaustive of human history at that time and that when the Bible talks about sons and daughters it might not be talking about next of kin descendents
Was Cain a humanoid hybrid? Why weren’t future descendants not supposed to Marry or have children with the Canaanite’s???
God, I snap my fingers and create another woman, or at least that's what I want to believe.
Cain’s wife was… the wife of Cain. 😃
@Oasis 😆
@Jam it’s the safe option 😅😄
@Oasis sí jajaja no tienes error
sí jajaja no tienes error Translation: Yes hahaha you don't have a mistake Es la única respuesta jaja Translation: It’s the only answer haha
His sister 😂
The only reference to Cain's wife in the Bible is in Genesis 4:17, which says, "And Cain knew his wife, and she conceived and bore Enoch"
The Bible does not explicitly say who Cain's wife was. The only possible answer is that Cain's wife was his sister or niece or great-niece, etc. Since Adam and Eve were the first humans, their children had no choice but to marry each other. The laws against marrying family members were created yet and at the time it wasn't forbidden for close-relative marriage until the time of Moses.
@Just Me Hayley Yep. And their genes were still close to perfect so the probability of genetic problems arising was low. Hence why they could marry within the family.
I love the question game but I'd be barred if I start asking 😊
Hmmm sounds like he must have married his sister 🤔
@Oritsetsola Susan Abraham But Adam and eve only had 2 or 3 sons..right?
@Tony did the Bible say only these children, just because the Bible names three doesn’t mean that there weren’t others. They were told to fill the earth, seems like disobedience if they stopped at 3.
@Donovan Genesis 5: 4 The days of Adam after he fathered Seth were 800 years; and he had other sons and daughters.
@Donovan that rings a bell, I'm not that well read tbh