I've tried. So, sure, my brothers should get the chance at being happy too.

Would you match-make your mates?
Would you set up two of your friends if you thought they might get on? Or is it better to stay out of people's dating lives all together?
Yes I would match if I knew my friends were open to be assisting.
I sometimes de but I haven seen any of them like each other!!
Am looking for love kids and family I have A humble and amazing heart I love to make my women be in love
I recommended a dating site to a girl. She signed up. After a while a guy wrote me and i told him I’m not interested. He wrote her as well and 7 months later they married. 😁🙃
@Gabriela you missed out 🙃
@Jude hi hi but no. 😁
Yes. I did with a close friend. A guy gave me a book and i told him i can recommend him a girl to thank him for his service regarding book borrowing. Few years after this they married. 😁 i was very happy knowing that i could introduce them.
@Gabriela Let me know what I can do for you so I can also get a recommendation 😃🙃😂
@Jude just come to Romania. There are a lot of single girls in churches.
@Gabriela is that an invitation? 😂
Its nice to help. I wouldn't mind. But I'd like to have mine first before helping out in that way, I know my heart.
I’m sorry you went through that. I don’t think anyone should pray that certain people start dating and push them to date. But I don’t see anything wrong with friends making a suggestion… then it’s up to you and the other person if you pursue it. And if one doesn’t pursue it, then I believe friends should drop it. Suggestions are fine, but pushing a relationship isn’t.
@Jo sorry, I replied to a comment, but it made it it’s own separate comment, that’s why the start doesn’t make sense
@Jo Yeah I’m not against friends making suggestions but for me it’s mostly family and church people that are always trying to push me towards people that are way too young or already dating or have no interest in me and it makes me really uncomfortable. The other problem is my Christian friends are all married with families and don’t really know any single people and my single friends aren’t Christian so it’s difficult in that regard.
@Ben that is definitely frustrating :(
I say it’s better to stay out of people’s dating lives unless you know both people well and both parties are aware and agree to it. I once was unaware that a group of older women at church were praying for me to start dating someone that I had absolutely nothing in common with and had only talked to a couple of times and weren’t interested in each other at all. I found out because this group of women started asking me why I wasn’t dating so and so because they were praying for us to date.
I had to ask them to stop because I had no interest in the person they were trying to get me to date and neither did the other person. It was a really awkward situation. Also it turns out that the woman they were trying to get me to date ended up getting married to someone else recently.
I have already 2 weedings as result of my match making skills haha
I usually stay out of their business but if they come to me and talk about it I'll be very frank of what I've observed.
Absolutely, I'd love it for someone to do it to for me, so I'd gladly do it for others
I don't see the harm in introducing people provided one prays in the process, not for them to be more than anything, but just simply for God's will to be done between them. Hopefully if they pray as well, then God's will, whatever it is, is more likely to be done
Buenas noches
Maybe not quite staying on subject, but I passed on clicking like on someone who looked really amazing on Salt last week because I thought they were more suited for someone else, and I passed their details on to her - I'm praying that it works out for them
If they both are christ followers then yes
It is better not to play match-maker and to stay out of people's dating life all together, for true marriage is not a worldly marriage certificate obtained through a worldly institution! For true marriage is instituted by God Almighty ALONE between one man and one woman only, joined together by God Almighty ALONE, thus keeping their marriage bed as one in union by God Almighty, pure, holy and GLORIFYING unto Him by walking in His WAYS ALONE in His REVERENCE and ADMONITION for their children....
How does marriage being from God mean that you shouldn't introduce friends?
I have had enough sticky situations of being a Job Reference for a friend where I worked and then later they quit or poor exit from the company.... Don't know enough of what is going on inside others 🙏
I have friends who literally ask to be set up. 😂 They figure their friends know them best- so why not?! One wants a dating site where friends make & manage accounts for friends, filter through their likes/matches, etc. 😂 I’d be more hesitant about the 1st myself- simply because I don’t want things to be awkward for anyone if it doesn’t work out. For the second… idk but I don’t think I trust as much as I’m trusted. 🤣 Maybe if ALL my friends had to approve someone 1st...
This is interesting 🤔 concept of letting friends control your LIKES I have invited good Christian friends to review my profile - give feedback ... and help compose answers to questions One former roommate, I asked him what are my top 3 qualities and he replied with a list of f 20
Not everyone is ready for a relationship, people should only “date” if they themselves are ready to be a husband, or wife, and should only “date” others if those people are ready to be husbands or wives themselves, they should be able to pass the test, now I know this is about overseers and deacons, but most of these attributes must be applied to any one who is serious about marriage, 1st Timothy 3:1-7. All the personal attributes must be applied pre marriage, then he must be all the rest after
I have thought about suggesting friends to friends if I thought they’d make a good match. There are a few match ups I thought might work, but those people ended up finding someone else… but no biggie :)
I would and have introduced two friends to each other as I felt they would really like each other and if nothing ever happened at least they had a new friend each. I do think this is something we should do for our friends and family, seems a lot safer too.
I think the worse case scenario with matching two of your friends is that it ends in divorce, and that can lead to a lot of guilt for a matchmaker to deal with. It’s happened to people I know. So for me I think I’m ok introducing friends and that’s it. I try to discourage people from matchmaking in my life also.
Only with permission of both friends and provided that they’ve expressed an interest in meeting someone. But even then, with caution and sensitivity - the matchmaking has to be motivated by wanting the best for our friends, not for kudos. I’m sure we all know one or two people in church who think they’re Cilla Black…
An introduction goes a long way.
The assumption would be that I have mates 😔
@Tony you can always meet strangers (as they are friends you have not met yet). 😊🌸 “Mankind is not meant to be alone” (Genesis 2:18), that includes friendship, not just significant others. Do you frequently attend a church? What about gym classes or just meeting people at the gym? What other activities do you like to do?
With transparency and openness ( nothing underhanded) finding a mate through trusted friends is a wonderful way to go about it. Someone who cares about you both deeply and desires your best . My daughter found her husband this way , a match by a mutual friend , and it is a beautiful marriage.
I think seeking consent from both parties to do so would be beneficial. Just jumping in with an assumption or a feeling would be unwise. Another option forward would be to organise events where like-minded friends can hang out. When the two parties see Christ in one another, attraction most likely will happen. As Christians it’s important for us to encourage each other to keep looking to Christ whether single or married. By keeping that vertical relationship going, the horizontal will follow.