A passion for growing God’s Kingdom here on earth
At SALT we have a passion for building the Kingdom and for influencing the world for His glory. By enabling Christians to meet and connect, with God at the centre, we hope to continue the Kingdom into future generations and to impact our global community with God’s message of love and hope.
Spiritual Impact
Who do we seek to impact?
Our desire is to support and empower individuals who share a commitment to God’s love as they progress on their whole relationship journey. We not only want to enable Godly marriages and families, we want to be a part of the wider church narrative around dating, relationships, and marriage by fostering a Kingdom culture that celebrates both singleness and healthy, genuine relationships. We seek to spiritually impact communities by creating spaces where faith-driven relationships flourish and impact the communities around them, and to equip the body of Christ to better serve and love single people in their churches. In all of this we long to submit to God’s direction and lead so that we will, by definition, be redemptive and have spiritual impact as His Kingdom comes on earth.
Why does marriage matter?
Our product and service has the potential to radically change lives. God created marriage and God created us for community. God also commands us to love one another. We know that Godly marriages and families are the backbone of a thriving society; we also know that God uses the marriage covenant to show us more of who He is. Marriage is beautiful, fundamental for communities, and something to celebrate and fight for.
Why now?
In today’s digital and sometimes insular world, people are crying out for connection. By enabling Christians to meet, connect, share and keep God at the centre, we hope to bring His message of love and truth to millions of Christians globally. We also want Christians to be strengthened and encouraged to remember their God-given identity as they view themselves and others, and make decisions about singleness, dating, relationships and marriage and live out God's vision for love, unity, and discipleship in every aspect of their lives.
What are our core aims?
1. Submit to God’s will and leading.
2. Celebrate everyone’s true God-given identity. Users should not feel defined by their looks or relationship status.
3. Positively impact the wider church narrative and conversation on dating, relationships and marriage.
4. Connect single Christians and empower them on their journey to meet a spouse.
5. Support Christians to develop strong relationships and marriages over time.
6. Pursue Kingdom culture. Value and honour all employees, investors and stakeholders.
How do we achieve this?
The app is designed and built by Christians, entirely with Christians in mind.
We have a SALT YouTube channel with new and relevant content to encourage, edify and entertain.
Online Events
We organise online events for our users and wider audience, from prayer meetings and talks and conversations to speed dating and other social events.
In-person Events
We attend in-person events such as festivals and summer camps to serve and support single Christians.
We collaborate with other faith-based partners to extend our kingdom impact. Examples include the publication of a series of bible plan devotions on YouVersion and a ‘Love online’ podcast series produced in conjunction with Eternity News/Bible Society.
As a team we meet regularly to pray together for our users and for the wider business impact. We send out monthly prayer letters and updates to our supporters around the world.

Connect with us
Whether you'd like to collaborate on content, run an event together, advertise on our app or partner in any way, we'd love to hear from you.